Horsens municipality customer case picture

Horsens Municipality Customer case

Horsens Municipality

One of Denmark's larger municipalities, Horsens Municipality, handles daily IT services for 6,500 employees and 9,000 students with Cherwell Service Management as their current platform.

Horsens Municipality has 15 years of experience with IT Service Management (ITSM) and they have, among other things, previously used two different ITSM solutions to support service inquiries in the municipality. In collaboration with a consultancy, Horsens Municipality chose in 2017 to investigate the market for ITSM systems, because their system at the time did not cover the municipality's new needs.

The wish was to find one ITSM solution, which was more contemporary, open and flexible with almost unlimited development possibilities. At the same time, it was important for Horsens Municipality to find a system that could handle several departments. Therefore, the choice fell on Cherwell, which today is considered to be an important cornerstone in the department and service work. Today, Cherwell is a necessity for the municipality, and the ambition is for Cherwell to support more processes in the municipality going forward.

Kristina Veith is currently an IT supporter at Horsens Municipality, and Kristina has been part of the implementation process from the beginning. For Kristina, it has been important to choose a good product at a good price, where she emphasizes the advantage of Cherwell's simultaneous user licenses: "You don't have to use a license per person, but it is possible to share. This makes it more flexible. We have quite a few users in IT and Digitization who do not use the system every day, so it is obvious that they do not have to have a full license.”

“Cherwell is manageable. We have seen other ITSM products that require special skills that we do not have available in the department.”

Horsens Municipality

Cherwell has been chosen, among other things. because the solution supports several departments

The decision to choose Cherwell was based on several things. The system should be able to create better coherence in the municipality by having several departments use the same system: "We chose Cherwell, among other things, as it supports several departments and creates a great deal of freedom for the individual department. The aim is to have it implemented in large parts of the municipality.”

At the same time, it was important that the system should be easy to handle and configure, without the need for external consultant help for changes and corrections: “Cherwell is manageable. We have seen other ITSM products that require special skills that we do not have available in the department.”

Horsens Municipality uses Cherwell for e.g. Salary and personnel service, the Jobcentre's IT and to the central IT and Digitization department. Both IT and Digitization and the Jobcentre's IT use Cherwell to create more overview and structure by arranging and categorizing the incoming cases. It also streamlines the internal processes across the departments, because employees can easily hand over a case from the Jobcentre's IT to the central IT department. Although the Jobcentre's IT has only just started using Cherwell, they are very satisfied with the system: "The Jobcentre has also become dependent on Cherwell because they can see the advantages of a professional case system."


Cherwell is used i.a. to make an appointment at the Service Desk

When Covid-19 hit Denmark, Horsens Municipality had to rethink their internal process in the Service Desk. It was necessary to implement an appointment to streamline visits to the Service Desk, among other things to prevent infection. With Cherwell, Horsens Municipality has ensured better structure in the Service Desk, which Kristina elaborates as follows: "It is possible to structure our visits and get the right skills for the task at hand, instead of the user going in vain".

A user-friendly service portal

With Cherwell, Horsens Municipality has also implemented a new user-friendly Service Portal, which has been well received by the employees. The use of the portal increases every month, and it has been important from the beginning to create a user-friendly portal where employees can get answers to their inquiries immediately, if possible.

Kristina elaborates: "The aim of the new service portal has been to make things easier for our users. When, for example, a new IT user needs to be created, we have ensured that they can quickly and easily fill in the relevant information themselves. It has been a step towards self-help. "

From the beginning, Horsens Municipality has had a desire to involve the employees, so that they e.g. have been able to close their cases themselves: "If the case is resolved, or they have found another solution, they can go in and close the case themselves. We try to put as many features out there for the end users as possible. We can feel that it helps free up a lot of time for our employees in IT.”

For the Municipality of Horsens, the Service Portal has freed up a lot of time and given the employees in IT and Digitization more time and more resources for the time-consuming tasks.

"I can wholeheartedly recommend Cherwell"

At the beginning of the implementation phase, Kristina says that there were challenges with the collaboration with Clever Choice, as the response times from Clever Choice took longer than agreed. Fortunately, in cooperation, we were able to create a common understanding of how important good response times are, which has now resulted in a successful collaboration: "We held a meeting where we agreed on expectations, and it ended up with Clever Choice putting in extra resources. To that extent, we have been able to feel that.”

In connection with the implementation of the appointment, Kristina has used the support department at Clever Choice to get tips for areas of development: "The fact that you can call the support and say that I have this problem, and they can then say have you tried this and that ? It's worth its weight in gold. It brings you forward quickly in the development work.”

In the end, Kristina has only to say: "I can warmly recommend Cherwell to others. We are very satisfied with the product.”

About Clever Choice 

We are experts in IT & Enterprise Service Management, and we help our customers find the right solution that matches their needs and wishes. We are always available for a dialogue about your options if you wish to streamline and improve the internal processes. 

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Get advice about ITSM from Peter Lange

Peter Lange

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Book a meeting directly in our calendar. We are always ready for a non-binding chat and sparring about your business needs and thoughts about ITSM. 

Get advice about ITSM from Peter Lange

Peter Lange